This is stylish bouquet is bursting with scented white lilies and red roses.
The brilliant colour contrast speaks of passion and drama.These are
perfect flowers to send to someone special as a romantic gesture at any
time of year but with the simplicity of the bouquet it is also an ideal
birthday gift
This arrangement contains the following flowers:
5 x White Oriental Lilies
8 x Red Roses and Pitto foliage
Our flowers may arrive unopened but the buds will come into bloom within a day or two and the recipient will be able to enjoy the flowers for even longer.
Click Here for more information on delivery.
Deliveries are only available Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday – NO Weekend or Monday deliveries
In the unlikely event of any supply issues we reserve the right to substitute the bouquet with an equal or great value Bouquet, similar colour bouquet or a similar style bouquet.
If colour is vital please advise us.
Please note the vase is not included in the product