This is a lovely bouquet to brighten rainy days when the sun seems to have disappeared. The bright yellow Asiatic lilies are beautifully complemented by the white roses and the small white chrysanthemums with their greeny-yellow hearts.The yellow solidago, with its clusters of tiny yellow flowers, adds the final touch of sunshine and the fronds of the Phoenix leaves complete this pretty bouquet. The perfect way to send someone the gift of Sunshine.
Please note the vase is not included.
This arrangement contains the following flowers:
2 x White Chrysanthemums 5 x White Roses 3 x Yellow Asiatic Lilies 1 x Solidago and Phoenix Leaves
Deliveries are only available Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday – NO Weekend or Monday deliveries
In the rare event that a substitution is necessary through flower supply difficulties, we reserve the right to substitute with flowers of similar style, quality and value.